Saturday, November 17, 2012

Updated 12 Days of Christmas

I went back and added more Christmas decorations in our house. I have added cranberries throughout as well. Here is more pictures and ideas!

I moved the NOEL letters in the kitchen, and decorated the lamp shade with Red and White Chevron material from Hobby Lobby!

I added Cranberries, and branches with fake ice on them. The cranberries and ice branches are from Hobby Lobby.

I should add a candle inside the lantern

NOEL letters came from Hobby Lobby, and I left them plain looking since I am doing a old look for Christmas decorations

I made the Red Self that is in our kitchen, and it goes perfect with the theme in the house. I added a old looking bucket I found at Target in the dollar isle. The two buckets I found at target in the dollar isle too. I placed fake snow and glitter balls from Hobby Lobby.

Love this! My favorite part of decorations inside the house.

I did not want to over load these guys, so I just added burlap and cranberries.

Front Porch so far

"W" bought from Hobby Lobby, and painted it myself

I redecorated my lamp shade in chevron materiel.

The canasters from Target with fake snow and glitter balls from Hobby Lobby!

Have fun decorating! Thank you for looking!