I am currently doing a bible study called, "A Time For Everything".
Through out life I strive to be a better Christian, wife, mother, individual, and many more things. With life comes a lot of questions, and I know God's has plans for all that happens.
This is a small passage from the book that I love:
Instead of trying to stay perfectly balanced all the time (an impossible act!), the Bible challenges us to pay attention to the season of life we're in and recognize that there's a time for everything. Some seasons of life will naturally be fast-paced; others will be more relaxed. Some seasons of life will be marked by transition and change; others will be defined by their steadiness. Some seasons in life will challenge us to give; others will teach us to receive. Some seasons of life are marked by new beginnings; other by necessary endings.
The amazing news of being a child of God is that no matter what season of life we find ourselves in we have the opportunity to seek and celebrate God right in the midst. We can choose to grow in the fullness of all God has called and created us to be. Becoming more Christ like isn't something that's just awaiting you in your next season of life-it's available to you right now.
Love those two passages, very fitting for all of us on the journey of life and serving God.
"God has a time for everything under heaven. And He is with you every step of the way."