Saturday, July 21, 2012

Show Us Your: Foyer

I guess you call it a foyer, but I love how we have a long hall and the laundry room is off to the left hidden. Having a long hall/foyer you have to break it up with furniture so it does not seem so long. In the house we build we want lots of windows in the foyer!
Here is a glimpse of our foyer, nothing spectacular but it is ours and we are content for now.

1 comment:

  1. I'm stopping by for a visit from Kelly's Korner today.
    You have a wonderful entryway into your home. I also love reading the stories behind items in a home. That definitely turns a house into a home.
    I'm a fan of word vinyl decals too. They're a terrific and affordable way to decorate a space.
    I really enjoyed my visit to your blog. Have a wonderful week
